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Visit to IRES of the Chargé affaires of the Embassy of Guinea Bissau in Morocco (October 9,2015)

Visit to IRES of His Excellency, Mr José Humberto DE BRITO CRUZ, Ambassador of Brazil to Morocco

IRES participation in 7th meeting of the Sino-African Think Tanks Forum

Iran, what influence on North Africa and the Sahel

School and values transmission : Morocco as a case study (December 15,2011)

January 26,2012

December 12,2012

July 26,2013

Croatia: new European Union member State (November 11,2014)

Visit to IRES of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Morocco (June 23,2015)

What prospects of strengthening Morocco- UK relations within a globalized world ?

What levers to strengthen the positioning of Moroccan economic actors in Africa, in the light of Morocco’s return to the African Union ?