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Visit of Mr. Alain OLIVIER, Director of the Quebec Office in Rabat

Which diplomacy of Morocco in cyberspace ?

IRES delegation visit China (March 3,2012)

July 18,2012

Visit to IRES of the ambassador of MEXICO to MOROCCO (July 3,2014)

The relations between Morocco and countries of Southern and Eastern Africa (April 30,2014)

A visit of a delegation from the Sultanate of Oman to IRES (April 24,2015)

The German Middle East foreign policy after reunification: how much change ? how much continuity ? (November 4,2015)

Visit to IRES of His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Ihab JAMAL EDDINE, Ambassador of Egypt to Morocco

Visit of the Ambassador of Korea to Morocco

Working visit of IRES delegation to South Korea

Security governance in Africa and the reform of the African Peace and Security Architecture