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January 29,2015

Visit to IRES of His Excellency Mr. Abdullah BIN OBAID AL-HINAI, Ambassador of Sultanate of Oman in Morocco

Visit to IRES of His Excellency Mr. José Humberto DE BRITO CRUZ, Ambassador of Brazil to Morocco

Visit of the President of « Instituto para a Promonçao e Desenvolvimento de America Latina »

The integration of young people, a priority for sustainable development in Africa

Visit of His Excellency Mr. Niklas Kebbon Ambassador of Sweden to Rabat

Africa XXI

May 22,2012

June 12,2012

Visit to IRES of the Ambassador of Italy to Morocco (September 21,2015)

Morocco-Russia Strategic Partnership: Reality and Prospects (February 12,2015)

The migration crisis in Europe: between security requirements and humanitarian considerations (2)