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Conference facilitated by IRES’ Director General at the Court of Auditors

What innovative strategies for addressing Africa’s structural development challenges

The new development model

Development meeting with the working group to conduct the rural middle class study

March 23,2012

Morocco-Algeria relationship: The levers of a strategy of cooperation serving the regional integration within the Maghreb (October 31,2012)

Relations of cooperation between Morocco and Mexico : What prospects for their reinforcement ? (September 22,2014)

The dynamics of change driven by the Arab spring: what impact on the positioning of Morocco? (May 9,2014)

levers to strengthen the strategic partnership between Morocco and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) (April 30,2013)

Africa and sustainable development: reconciling environment and development ?

The surge of nationalism: what future for Globalization ?

Visit to IRES of the Director of the Cervantes Institute