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Visit to IRES of Mr. Tim COLE, British Envoy for Migration, accompanied by His Excellency Mr. Thomas REILLY, Ambassador of Great Britain to Morocco

African Migration: What strategies to set up for its management ?

The intergenerational solidarity

Quelle place pour le changement climatique dans les stratégies sectorielles du Maroc ? (19 Juillet 2012)

May 15,2013

Issues and Challenges of the security situation in Africa for regional and international cooperation: what role of Morocco? (March 28,2014)

March 13,2014

Visit of delegation of the Emirates centre for strategic studies and research (june 5,2015)

IRES Conference at the Norwegian Institute of International Relations

Visit to IRES of Mr. Pedro PIRES, former President of the Republic of Cape Verde

Participation of IRES in the Celebration of Africa Day

Visit to IRES of the Ambassador of Bangladesh to Morocco