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  • Sustainable development goals and their implementation amidst climate change challenges

The Royal Institute of Strategic Studies (IRES) organized May 10, 2016 in partnership with the United Nations in Morocco, a meeting under the theme "sustainable development goals and their implementation amidst climate change challenges ".

Attended by senior officials representing ministerial departments, national and international institutions concerned as well as NGOs, the meeting emphasized key issues and challenges related to the implementation of the 2030 agenda and the cross reading of the its related goals in terms of climate change impacts.

The debate held highlighted the importance of strengthening the sustainability of development models through the valuation of intangible capital and the need to resort to modes of governance centered on participatory and integrated approaches, deemed to ensure a sound articulation between the national and territorial level.

Other aspects were discussed including the issue of setting up efficient systems for monitoring and evaluation of public policies devoted to the implementation of sustainable development goals as well as the urgent need to strengthen international cooperation, through the use of innovative financing tools.